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          Simplicity Boats
    Thanks to Herb McLeod One Sheet Skiff plans, I escaped "wanna be boat builder" land.
    Here's a brief tour of a first boat project. I hope it inspires you to start your own.
    Click "thumbnails" to see larger images.
    dream.jpg (5779 bytes)

    Scraps of paper and wood, a balsa model, and  a small dream...

    stem, sides, frame, transom, gunwales, chine logs... 
    The kit is born! cygkit.jpg (8297 bytes)

    clampgun.jpg (7615 bytes) some clamps, 3/4" SS screws and 3M5200 (faith?) 

    botmodel.jpg (5499 bytes)3 hours later "mini cygnet" calls her into the world... 

    sailmake.jpg (6084 bytes) Green polytarp, carpet tape, 1/4" sisal rope and my wife Julie's skill and patience...  

    2 hours later... the first rigging! firstrig2.jpg (6790 bytes)

    launching gathers a crowdlaunch.jpg (8266 bytes)

hullpaint.jpg (15052 bytes) 2 coats of primer and 2 latex "severe weather" paint

    paintrigged2.jpg (21619 bytes) She's dressed for air! (Is that a baby swan on her tail, or a deformed duck?) No afts ends or butts about it! It's some fowl creation... (ouch)

    sailing1.jpg (3743 bytes)sailing2.jpg (2624 bytes) She sails! To windward no less....

    julerow.jpg (6969 bytes) And rows...  and she motors...

    fleet.jpg (5787 bytes) she mingles with the "fleet"

  • Rig details: If you're considering rigging your OSS for sail check this out. 
  • For more info, or comments contact David at: