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PL Concrete Crack & Masonry ...

So this is PL "Concrete Crack and Masonry Sealant," and it has some interesting properties.

plmasonstretch1.jpg (12794 bytes) One day when I found the tip of this mastic had dried, I grabbed the blob protruding from the tip with pliers and pulled. A rubbery string about a foot long pulled out of the tip, broke then recoiled into a perfectly molded model of the inside of the caulking tip. (The glue inside the tube was then available and usable.)
plmasonstretch2.jpg (15646 bytes) I like to pick it up off the shelf and show visitors the resiliency of this stuff.
plmasonstretch3.jpg (3733 bytes) Here's a close up of the plug after countless stretches and rebounds. I think in the plastics industry this is called a "memory effect."

This also shows that this stuff will eventually cure in a very air restricted condition and yield a surface mirroring what it was molded by. 

This implies that a kind of plastic "peel ply" might be applied to joints (if one had a way to keep it smooth and the patience to allow it to cure,) and a rather smooth surface might be produced with no sanding.

If you've had any interesting experiences with this or other unusual glues or materials, drop us a line.
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