Alternative ply joint
tests ... |
Here I will be creating various test joints to simulate a side bottom joint
in a small boat, and then stress test them in a variety of ways and report the
results. For those of you unfamiliar with PL Premium polyurethane adhesives -
they are construction adhesives related to 3M 5200 but much less expensive. See
our PL Premium page for statistics and testimonial.
The first material I am using is
1/4" exterior luan plywood. (3 ply - 1 thick inner ply and 2 thin
outer plies.) Partly because many small home built boats are
made from it, and partly due to it being cheap and available. The ply is
cut into 8" squares, and the joints are made at a 15 degree angle. (To
simulate average small boat flare.)
I'm testing 6 joints to start with.
1. Epoxy and Glass inside and out.
2. Chine log and bronze ring nails and PL Prem. & Titebond II (for
log/side joint)
3. Same as 2 except all PL Premium glue used on both panels.
4. PL Prem. fillet inside & PL Prem. and mesh drywall tape
5. PL Masonry fillet inside & PL Mas. and mesh drywall tape outside
6. PL Prem. bead inside & PL Mas. and mesh tape outside (Then a PL Mas.
fillet is spread over the inner bead after it cures.)
For details on the construction of these panels go
to this page.
Stress testing the assemblies:
Since the PL Masonry is required to cure for a week before
fully set the first stress test is applied to the #2 chine log joint. A test
showed me that I could max out my 300lb bathroom scale using my drill
press as an arbor press.
With a weight distribution board cover in wax paper to reduce friction,
I centered the chuck above the joint. I figured with my eye on the scale,
if I stopped the head travel when the joint failed I'd know both the force
and deflection. |
I was surprised to find that it only took 80 lbs of pressure
to extend the 3" travel of the drill head. You can see the amount of
flex in the ply panels. There was no sound or sign of failure. |
When I released the pressure, the joint assembly rebounded
to within 1/8" of its starting position. |
In the "close the book" configuration, the 3"
travel bent the test panel to a 90 degree angle (from the original 105
degrees) at 37 lbs of pressure. I decided to attempt to cause failure of
the panel by hand. |
Placing the assembly on the floor and applying hand
pressure, the angle of deflection before failure was not easily guaged,
but failure occurred at 50 lbs at an angle smaller than 90 degrees. The
part that failed was the chine log to side joint - which is the Titebond
II part of the joint. There was a crackling and then a slow opening
of the joint as the nail withdrew. |
However if you look closely you'll notice it was wood fibers
that fractured and the ring nails pulled out almost as if they were pulled
with a claw hammer. Interesting that the PL part of the joint didn't seem
to give at all.
The fact that the joint was able to flex as much as it did (over 20
degrees) before failure is interesting. We'll see how it compares to other
joints. |
The fact that the first test failed at the Titebond II joint
led me to clean up the chine log, rotate the "side" piece around
and re glue it with PL Premium. (I cheated and tacked it with 3/4" pneumatic
brad nails instead of ring nails, but I'm mainly testing the PL joint.)
In the "tent" position this piece flattened out as far as the
first piece did without failure.
I'm compensating for the limited travel of the drill head by propping
up the scale and pre bending the test piece as I load it into position. |
Using a bevel gauge I know this piece flexed to
approximately a 60 degree angle at about 80 lbs of pressure before it
failed with a rather loud CRACK. |
The test piece and the bevel gauge in the background shows
the amount of flex that occurred before failure. The flex was around 45
degrees before failure. |
What failed was the exterior ply of the plywood and in some
places the factory glue joint between the outer and inner plies. |
#1 The epoxy glass joint handled the tent test
without failure though it emitted crackling sounds. It required greater propping
(pre loading) then the others - continued to crackle but did not fail.
Interestingly the assembly seemed to be absorbing the downward pressure during
the press travel as the scale never read more than slightly above 40 lbs. With
the cracking I assume there was a relaxing of tensions in the piece as the scale
reading gradually went down.
Since I could not produce failure on the press, I placed the joint on the
floor and stood on it. First in the "tent" position (no failure) then
in the "book close" position. With my full weight (180 lbs) the ply
ruptured at the edge of the joint.
#6 |
#6 This joint is the same as
the above except it has a bead of PL Premium on the inside, covered by a
fillet of PL Masonry. |
This joint behaved similarly to joint #5 except that in the
"tent" test the pressure went up to 20 lbs, and then slowly
returned to 8 lbs. My assumption is that the PL premium held rigidly at
first requiring more pressure to flex, then it failed and the PL Masonry
took over.
In the position of "opening a book beyond the flat point" it
seems that inner bead of PL Premium caused the PL Masonry to stretch over
After considerable flexing the internal fillet ruptured revealing the
mesh tape fibers had been pulled into the interior of the joint, but had
not broken as they did in joint #4. The outside of the joint
remained sound, and apparently even water tight. It continues to hold
tenaciously to the plywood and function as a hinge.
Someone commented that this glue might be useful for forming hinged
panels of a folding boat. |
Since these types of joints are very difficult to get to
fail in these flex test, I will see if I can devise a pulling system to
measure shear resistance.
I sent out this report to a bunch of boat builders
and designers on the web with a plea for help interpreting these
If you only consider how much force is required to
first distort and then rupture a joint, epoxy is the clear winner with
the PL Premium and chine log the runner up. The worst performer was the
PL Premium fillet inside and PL Premium and mesh tape outside. It failed
with very little effort.
The PL Masonry joints are harder
to interpret because they were so flexible they were near impossible to
get to rupture, requiring repeated extreme flexing, as in {"fully
closing a book" or "opening a book past flat." The tricky
part is that the forces necessary to flex these joints was low - in the
10 lb range, as opposed to the epoxy which required 180 lbs, and chine
logs 80 lbs. However both epoxy and chine log joints held so well that
the plywood fibers ruptured. This reflects all modern glue
advertisements of "the glue joint is stronger than the
wood!" Which seems like a good thing.
However, the PL Masonry flexed so
much it absorbed all the force and didn't pass it on to the wood, and
for the longest time, neither the glue joint nor the wood failed,
returning repeatedly to its pre stressed state. After repeated extreme
flexing I was able to get the glue to fail, but only by asking it to
bend in ways that it could never bend while incorporated into a boat
I imagine there are up sides
and down sides to this. These joints could potentially withstand great
stress and stay water tight, and not pass the stress on to the wood that
is joined. Someone mentioned they might be candidates for creating
hinges on a folding boat. Anyone who has ridden in one of those polymer
folding "port a boats" knows how strange it feels to have
a hull flex under you. It takes a little getting used to. Yet it doesn't
necessarily mean its not strong. On the Portaboat web site they show
photos of loading 600 lbs of concrete in their folding boat and dropping
it from 21 ft.
I do not mean to imply that a boat made with PL joints will feel as
flexible as foldboats. After all a fold boat is made from sheets of
plastic not plywood.
James Wharram imitates the Polynesians by lashing his hulls to the amas
to allow flexing at sea.
I'm needing help to make sense of
this data. As usual, all ideas, opinions and theories are welcome....
Feel free to email me your in
Back to Methods and Materials |
When all panels have been tested I'll create some kind of
chart or table to display results. |
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